Čak ti ni ne treba muškarac
Tijekom Korone, počela sam zapisivati svoje misli na papir, vjerojatno zato što sam se se trebala opustiti d napetosti. Budući da imam disgrafiju, disleksiju i ne volim pisati, to je također bio osobni izazov da prevladam strah od toga da budem loš pisac. To su moji unutarnji dijalozi i promatranja svijeta koji me okružuje.
We use so many words to define us. But what if those words just put us in a box, give us labels, put boundaries on us. None of those words are we. The more we try to escape the more boxes we invent, the bigger walls we build. None of those words gives us freedom that we seek.
I have so many faces, even I lost count, none of them is I and all of them are me. They told me so many times that I was strange; sometimes I cared too much other times I didn’t care enough. I was labelled by the needs of others.
I can’t tell you how many times I was asked if I was a boy or a girl, or how many times I’ve heard a sentence you don’t even need a man. But, I never told them that I don’t need a woman either.
It is the need; the need is what scares me. The need makes you vulnerable, the need to fit in, to be recognized, to be loved, to be accepted. If I lose the need, I might become free, but I might become dull to.